Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Road Trip--Part 2--What Happens in Vegas

Okay, so the main thing we did in Vegas was lay out by the pool. LoVeD iT!!! Oh, and the pool had a volleyball net so we played volleyball for at least 3 hours a day and totally ripped up the bottom of our feet and I also lost like half of my toenail polish from my pedicure. But it was SO worth it. Andrew and I are EXTREMELY competative (especially with each other) in sports, games, cards, and anything else one or both of us is passionate about then throw in Bryce on Andrew's team and Becca on mine and it's pure war!! You must understand the competiveness....picture "Meet the Parents" volleyball scene. That's exactly how it was.

Funny story---So one night we were eating at Rainforest Cafe and while we are sitting there enjoying our appetizer all of the sudden this 55ish lady at the table next to us passes out and falls to the floor. She is wearing a wig, which completely falls off and she is literally lying at my FEET, bald and out cold. Luckily, her daughter, a waiter, and a guy at the next table jumped down to her aid so I didn't have to :). So when I get up enough courage to look down at her by my feet, I see her eyes rolling around 100 mph and she's sweating. At this point, I say....is she dying? Literally that's what it looked like. So long story short, she didn't die, she came out of it but did lie at my feet for no joke 30 mins before the parametics arrived to run TONS of tests on her then lift her on to the stretcher and take her away. All the while she keeps asking where her hair is--the reply from her daugher "right here in my hand, I have your hair." HAHA And her daughter kept saying "she's done this before, she's done this before" as if that makes it less embarassing. Oh, yeah the restaurant didn't even give us our meals for free or even give us a free dessert, but they did ask us about 25 mins into the ordeal if we wanted a new table--and we said no, because we thought at this point it would be really rude to get up climb over her and go to a new table. Hopefully she learned not to mix lots of booze and lots of walking around in 85 degree weather.
We also visted the Mandalay Bay Shark Reef (note to Vegas travelers, if you want to go to a buffet--the boys really did--get the Shark Reef/Buffet combo, only like $8 more bucks to go see the aquarium)
touching the sting rays
ah, the turles star fish
really cool, neon jelly fish
Andrew, the biology boy, enjoying everything
the lion fish
Andrew's WORST nightmare...dun dun dun
And the shark that almost ate us!


Alysha said...

Oh how I love Vegas and the Shark Reef! I am so sorry about the Rainforest Cafe. Too crazy!

Tyler & Nicole said...

so life can never be dull if you are around. haha only you would have that eperience with the lady. haha...even when you are writing you are a graet story teller.

Angela said...

It looks like you both had tons of fun! That kind of stinks about dinner. That'd be crazy, but at least memorable!

jordan.lindsay.jersey said...

You never even told us that story. That is so funny!

Natty + Tacia said...

Wow, only in Vegas ;). I love the shark reef it is so neat!

Mittelstadt Family said...

Sounds like tons of fun! And I have to agree that where ever you are Britt, it will never be a dull moment! And sorry about that lady, Ethan is now bugging me about it and trying to come up with what he would have done and what he thinks was wrong with her. Ha ha.

Dan and Heather said...

What a fun trip! We need more advice on Vegas, we are gonna go in a couple of months.