Monday, May 3, 2010

What Happens...

When you make a 13 year old change a poopy diaper in the back seat of a car?

Here is how she got to this point:

While the boys were at Priesthood Session,
Mom took the ladies shopping for an Easter dress.  Yeah!!
Shopping took a while and then we ended up eating
 at Carabas from about 9:15-10:00 PM. 

As we get ready to leave, Lindsay realizes that Jersey has pooped--a major stinky poop.  She ferociously searches her diaper bag, only to realize she is out of diapers.

We still have a 20 minute ride home--far too long to make her sit in the mess. 

We frantically search the restaurant for any mothers with babies to try and bum a diaper off them.  But none can be found.  So I come up with the suggestion that Lindsay use the cloth napkins from the dinner table for a cloth diaper....this was about our only option.

But we decided to instead hurry down the hill to Wal-Mart.  We dropped Lindsay off and she ran in to buy some diapers while Mom, Brooke, Jersey and I waited in Tahoe in the parking lot. There we sat enjoying the Saturday night culture of Wal-Mart.

Doesn't take long and we see a lady looks like she just walked off of Bret Michael's Rock of Love.  She needed to be featured on  So I dug in my purse for my camera and what do you know...Little Red Riding Hood skips by with a poka-dot dress and long red cape. 
Classic 10:30 PM Wal-Mart right??

After I missed both glorious photo-ops--Jersey is getting pretty fussy so Mom says to Brooke,
"Why don't you take her out of the car seat,
lay her down across the seat,
and at least get the dirty diaper off her." 

Brooke disgustedly said, "Yeah right!"
Since Mom is such a good Grandma she continued to try and persuade Brooke to get that dirty diaper off.
Eventually she wore Brooke down.
Brooke took Jersey out and laid her across the back seat.

Poor Brooke.  It was a BIG poop.
She kept dry heaving so hard and loud.
Mom just kept saying "Poor Jersey get that stinky thing off of her!"
I was laughing so hard at Brooke gagging that I was crying.
Lindsay missed it all.
It was a great girls night.


Lindsay Smith said...

I'm so sad I missed all of that!!! I laugh just reading the story. It would of made me so happy to see Brooke gagging!!! I guess if I would of been there I would be the one changing the diaper though. Maybe I should be happy I was in Wal-Mart!

Mittelstadt Family said...

Ha ha ha! What a good little aunt!

Monica said...

Great story haha

Tyler & Nicole said...

It looks like I saw you all a little TOO early this night! The adventure happened after. Such a Ballantyne story! Love you all.