Monday, August 9, 2010

If it weren't for Andrew..... cell phone would ALWAYS be dead--or at home under my pillow.

.....I'd only get the mail once every 10 days.

......I'd eat cold cereal or watermelon for dinner in the summer.

.......I would only go to Cabela's once a year not once a month.

......our garden definitely wouldn't be growing so well.

......I'd honk at a lot more people on the roads.

.......Ernie the Elk would not be staring at me while I type this post.

........I still probably wouldn't have eaten seafood.

.........I would not have allergies (I never had allergies in my life until I met him--who gets them pretty bad--I'm positive he gave my allergies).

........I wouldn't have a current fishing licence, hunter's safety, and hunting tag.
.......I'd be a lonely, sad gal.


Kim said...

haha, this list was funny. I'm glad you have Andrew too. The bug in the raspberry jam was pretty disgusting though. GROSS!!!!

Monica said...

That's a fun post ;) cold cereal is great for every meal in my opinion haha