Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wild Child

Stella is a crazy child
I keep saying lately that she is naughty
Can a one year old be naughty?

I wish I could capture all the things she does on camera
cause she is very funny.

Somethings I've missed a photo of lately....

While in the bathroom stall at Red Mango
I'm washing my hands only to look over and see
Stella has her ENTIRE arm submerged in the toilet.

In the cafe at Red Mango Stella decides
to remove the "Wet Floor" sign
(which is larger than her)
and carry it around the restaurant
then manage to wack baby Jane with it.

If you ever come to my house and find
tampons or pads lying in a weird place
You can thank Stella for it.
She knows where I keep them in the bathroom
and daily she drags them out and hides them around the house
Usually it is a like a trail of feminine products
But other times they show up in CRAZY places.

Stella is really naughty at church
It is a painful 3 hours for us each week
She has a favorite electrical socket at church
Every week she seems to find it
and tries to stick her fingers in it
All kids do this, but for Stella it is a game of fun.
No joke, on average she makes it to the socket 7 times a week
When we come to get her
she laughs really loud and runs

You're probably thinking
why can't they controll their child???
I'm wondering the same thing
She will find a way out of any row or aisle we sit on
and if she can't she will scream bloody murder til you let her out
So in order to keep her quiet
sometimes we have to let her out just a bit
But then she just inches farther and farther
until a door opens and then she makes a run for it.
Could nursery come soon enough?

Last week she bolted to the back of the cultural hall
and climbed up the stacked chairs like a ladder.
It's amazing we haven't had more injuries.


Becca and Bryce Ballantyne said...

WOW!! She is hilarious, I wonder who she gets this from?? I love reading all your blogs about her naughtyness lol..... it's prepping me for when Zoey is older!

Monica said...

Lily spreads my tampons around too lol

Mandy said...

That girl is wild...and was from the start! I have had it too easy...Reese is just starting to get into things these past few weeks. She doesn't know how to open cupboards, yet. And last week at church was the first time we spent more time in the hall than in meetings.
I love reading your posts...what a cute girl!!