Thursday, April 4, 2013

sometimes i just wanna do this.

like right now.

sometimes life is frustrating
lately every time we make decisions---everything backfires
i've not been sharing the details on the blog
because its annoying how many times we have to remake the same decision
and its unreal how many things we are juggling right now
but here is a tiny taste of the latest fun we are having

we are 99.9% moved out of Andrew's parents place
tomorrow we will be all out and I will finish the cleaning
got the carpets being cleaned next week
and the final touches
to make it all ready for mom and dad
who will be home THURSDAY!
yep, this thursday.

we moved our things into Andrew's bro's place.
we are going to stay there temporarily while we wait to hear about schooling
so most of our stuff is still in storage
and everything else just got boxed and moved there

today i got a call and found out
that our buyer on our condo fell through
10 days before we are supposed to close
somehow even though he was pre-qualified
his loan was denied
our renters are planning to move out next week
we now may be moving our stuff back to our condo
until i square everything away though
i am NOT unpacking a thing

i will work on the in-laws place
and try to get something out of conference this weekend
while Andrew is off at interview #2

Portland Oregon Mormon Temple
(can you guess where this is?)

in the middle of all this craziness
i applied for two part time jobs
(why, i don't know----i gotta be SUPER busy i guess)
one was at a familiar place

and another at a property management company.
i got them both
i've actually been working at the property management company
for a couple weeks now
because they wanted me to start the day after my interview.
and today i got the call from ol Nu Skin
and they want me back.

i'm positive
whatever choices we do make
they will not work out
and we will get to try again.


Tyler & Nicole said...

Boston temple?? Good luck with all of your craziness. If you need any help let me know!

Monica said...

I'm guessing Portland from the temple. I hope everything falls into place for you very soon.

Mandy said...

WOW!!! You are SUPER busy with everything! I hope it all works out and soon for your sanity's sake! Good luck with school and the housing stuff!

Penn and Kass said...

Busy, Busy, Busy!