Saturday, January 26, 2013

twenty months old

Stella is 20 months old now!
I can't believe she will be 2 so soon

Stella is 20 months going on 4 years old
she doesn't seems like a baby AT ALL anymore.
She's all over the place
She talks all day long!
I have to tell her to be quiet sometimes
Because she is a chatter box.
But she seriously can communicate just about every need, want, or pain.
It's nice.

Some of my favorite things she says are...
"I love you too, or I missed you too"
when we ask her if she wants to go
to nursery or bed she usually responds with
 "no, I stay with mommy and daddy"
"go cougars"
she can't get over Christmas
so when she spots a Santa she says
"Santa Claus is coming to town"
when she puts on something pretty or when I'm finished doing her hair
she likes to say
"I'm a princess!"

Stella loves to go to basketball games.
Probably because she can be as loud as she wants
and climb on the benches.
Last night, I took her AF's game to watch Brooke dance
and she was so preoccupied with the caveman mascot
she kept her eye on him all night
and she's talked non-stop about him.
My poor dad was holding her
while she went on and on and on about the caveman

Stella knows a lot of people's names
and says all of them correctly
but for some reason
she refuses to call Bryce and Becca's baby, Zoey, by her full name
she always has called her ZeeZee
but recently she changed to ZoeZoe
I'm not sure why she insists on calling her by a nickname.
Stella does not think she needs to sleep.
She fights me for her nap each day
and it's pretty ridiculous
how difficult it is to get her to settle down and go to sleep at night.
She is definitely one of those kids that functions
on much less-than-average sleep.
Stella has recently started enjoying Disney movies.
Finally, something besides Mickey, Doc McStuffins, and Elmo
I'm trying to introduce her to lots of shows
but by far her favorite right now is the Toy Story movies
She loves Buzz and Woody.
She also likes the animal shows
like Lion King and Finding Nemo
The Princess movies as her least fav right now
I'm sure we'll get enough of them down the road though.
Now, Stella has started thinking a lot of things are "scary":
Ursula the Sea Witch
the washing machine
loud trucks outside
Most of the time it's pretty funny when she runs up
and says
"what is that, it's scary mom"
but it's not funny in the middle of the night
when she has nightmares
because she's been having some of those lately
Stella loves to talk about her favorite people (and animals).
Multiple times each day she asks
"where's ______ at"
then she usually answers her own question
"he's at work/home/school"
"she's with ________"
and then she says other things about them like
"_______'s funny"
"________'s nice"
"horses eat apples"

We love brushing our teeth around here
Stella goes and gets her toothbrush many times each day
and wants to brush her teeth.
Stella's imagination is starting to grow
and she likes to pretend that
the baby dolls are sleeping
Besides her dolls,
she is also really into her blocks,
her Fur Real kitty,
and she LOVES her books and stickers.
This week she has started pulling a chair next to the counter
she climbs up
and helps me make dinner.
The other day I caught her over there by herself
playing with a bowl
and when I asked her what she was doing
she said
"I'm making chicken"
She's funny.


Monica said...

Sounds like she's a lot of fun :) my girls don't seem to need much sleep either. I don't approve.

Tyler & Nicole said...

Such a cutie...never a dull moment with Stella!