Monday, February 4, 2013

things going down around here

1-- I have a bad reputation.  I understand that I have completely earned this reputation.  But it's probably not the best rep to have.  I decided this, because people always call me up and say. "Oh my gosh!  I had a Brittani Moment."  Then the proceed to tell me the funniest, dumbest thing they did.  Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy these phone calls.  But I seriously....whenever anyone does anything really stupid, or something really weird happens they call it a "Brittani moment."  Great!

2-- Andrew had his own "Brittani Moment" the other day.  He had to take a drug test (see #5). Its a good story, you need to ask him about peeing in a cup (or his lack of ability to do so).  Or better yet, ask me.  He will down play it.  I'll tell you the truth.
3-- Andrew's parents are officially coming home April 11th.  So soon!  We're excited for Stella to "meet" them in person since she was not quite 5 months when they left and she basically just knows them from Skype.

4-- Because of (#3) we need to find a place to live.  We've been really torn about where we are going to move to because there are A LOT of unknowns in our life right now.  But we finally decided that we are moving back to our condo while we wait to figure out what is next for our family.  But we will probably be listing it for sale as soon as we get there.  So not sure how long this move will be. 

5-- Andrew quit Nu Skin after 8 years and is going to work for Nelson Labs in Salt Lake.  He is going to be working in a clean room where he has to wear a head-to-toe bunny suit and test sterility of tissues, tools, etc.  He has new schedule which we're excited about. But I am definitely gonna miss all the free product that I have got from Nu Skin.

6-- Last night, we were watching the Super Bowl with Andrew's brother and his family.  I was changing Stella's diaper and she jumped up and ran off with no diaper.  First, she ran by the TV, bent over, and gave us all the full moon.  Then she disappeared behind the couch only to emerge riding her cousin's a stick pony.  It was the best commercial of the night!

7-- Stella is officially climbing in and out of the crib.  It's time for a big girl bed!  We're trying to hold off until we move, just to save some work (take downs/put ups).  But I don't know if its gonna happen.  She's a monkey!

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